Friday, 12 July 2013

Day 1 - Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head!

Day 1 of the Adventure - Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head!

We had a great first day on our adventure however it was quite soggy!  Pulling away from Toad River Lodge with a full tank of gas at exactly 8:08 in the morning, we headed up the Alaska Highway with great anticipation.  The low lying clouds made a lacy tablecloth over folded mountain as we made our way along side the very full and fast Toad River.  Just before Muncho Lake we spotted a mommy moose and her baby grabbing some breakfast in a watering hole.  Sue was able to snap a picture before more tourtists showed up and the Mommy Moose decided to take her baby out of the spotlight.  We stopped at Double G services for a "Captain Jack" breakfast and eavesdropped on some great trucker conversation and ribbing of Jack on his day off.  Our bellies were full so we headed back on the highway past the beautiful Muncho Lake on our way to the Hot Springs.

Ahh, the hot springs!  You cannot drive past Liard Hot Springs without stopping for a soak.  Earl's back was a little sore when he woke up but a good dip in that amazing mineral water and he declared he was cured!  While soaking in the springs, we struck up a conservation with a couple from Australia (this is something that always happens there, interesting people from all over the world all in one big bath tub together just leads to great chats!) .  They have taken a year off work to tour North America.  What a fantastic idea!  They were just returning from Alaska so were able to give us some advice of some must sees and dos.  The hot springs themselves have undergone a bit of a face lift in the last year and the new seating and changes rooms sure add some class!

We did not see much wildlife between the Hot Springs and Watson Lake this time - just some Bison every now and then wandering across the road.   The rain let up long enough for us to snap some pics at the Yukon border sign.  We were there with a couple from France who had flown over their own camping rig and were traveling in North America for three months.  We did reciprocal picture taking so that each couple had their picture taken together at this milestone along the Alaska Highway.  We also met up with this couple at the Watson Lake Signpost Forest at historical mile 635.  This is a very cool atttraction which had its infancy in the second world war when the highway was first being built when Carl Lindley erected the first sign and now the forest has blossomed to over 72,000 signs.  We have traveled through Watson Lake so often and never think to bring our own sign.  Next time for sure!

The visitor centre  which is right there at the signpost forest is a wonderful place with an interpretive centre about the building of the highway and friendly, welcoming staff.  Sue's older students will be studying the Alaska Highway as part of a Transportation Unit this coming school year and she was very excited getting Earl to take all sorts of pictures of things that gave her ideas for exciting projects the students could do!  Remember, its all curriculum!  Unfortunately the Northern Lights Centre was closed so we did a little souvenir shopping at Haugen's and admired their beautiful flowers and then were deciding between waiting till the Centre was open or heading out when we got a phone call from our friend Judy Nadon (the Milepost lady) and made arrangements to rendezvous with her at a campground in Teslin.  So off we raced into the rainy horizon, catching glimpses of mountains, lakes and racing rivers along the way but unfortunately no wildlife - they were staying out of the rain, I think!  Judy had reserved a spot for us so we slid our little guy trailer into place and went for 'cocktails' and conversation.  We had a great chat by the fire and the skies gradually cleared until we had blue sky and sunshine for a walk along the Teslin Lake shoreline before bed.

Sweet dreams of more adventures tomorrow - Teslin Cultural Centre and joy of joys - the beginning of the Atlin Music Festival!  Can't wait!

Mama Moose and Baby in the rain just south of Muncho Lake

At the Yukon Border

Sign Post Forest in Watson Lake

Earl (Oilcan) at the Signpost Forest

Aahh!  The Liard Hot Springs with new updates!

The Milepost Man with Judy Nadon who took over his route!

The weather cleared long enough for an evening stroll along Teslin Lake Shoreline

1 comment:

  1. Sounds beautiful up there. Hope the music festival is grand. Sue and Earl you should when your done submit your blog to Little Guy trailer company. I am sure they would love to hear of the adventures you are having with the trailer. Great PR for the company and neat to share your adventures with the world of little guy trailers.
